Thursday, July 15, 2010

Building a Portfolio

It took me 30 years to build the following Portfolio. I invest for income and my portfolio shows it.

---------------Darnell's Portfolio Make Up------------
Type of Investment -------Percentage ------Interest

Cash --------------------------0.32310%------------1%

Growth-------------------------- 0.53%
Growth --------------------------2.50%
Growth --------------------------0.16%

Growth Stock Total -----------3.19081% ----------No Interest

Closed End Income Bond
Funds ------------------------0.51846% -----------12%

CCC+ Bonds -------------------1.21990% -----------18.39%
B to BBB Bonds ---------------94.74773% -----------12%

Bond Investment Total ----95.96763% ----------12.5%

Total Portfolio -----------100.00% Double in5.76Years

I have very little cash. That is because I usually stay fully invested. That allows me to make the maximum amount of interest that I can. Growth Stocks like Ford allows me to take advantage of bull markets but the amount invested in Growth Stocks will not hurt me in Bear Markets. I am in the Income Bond Funds for the 12% income. But the amount invested will not hurt me in case the manager of the fund screws up or the management fees become outrages.

Most of the money is invested in “B to BBB” Bonds. Here I get around 12% per year. Using the “Rule of 72,” I project that I should double my money in a little more than 5 3/4 years. Now why did I invest in a few “CCC” rated bonds? They are bonds with a great deal of risk. We will find out next time!

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