Monday, October 4, 2010

Here is How to Save Your Family: Part 5

Now you have a job, do you know how to keep it? A job is 10% competency and 90% politics. The "politics" of your job are often bigger than the politics of the political arena. If you have a local, state, or federal job then you are dealing with politics within politics.

"Politics" is present in all situations in our society. Your job in the business world is no exception. What can cripple you in a hurry on your job are three things;

1. Gossip – Everyone wants to hear gossip but no one wants someone who gossips around. A person that gossips exposes themselves to attack by other employees. Gossip makes enemies for the gossiper.

2. Unwanted advice – You know the saying, “They know it all!” You may know what you are talking about but they have been on the job longer and they resent people coming in and telling them what to do. “Know it all” people make enemies.

3. Put your business in the street! – As you know, I write this blog, I have written and published two books. People read my blog (from most read to least read countries); (1)United States, (2)South Korea, (3)Canada, (4)Denmark, (5)China, (6)Russia , (7)Bulgaria, three way tie (8)France, (8)United Kingdom, and (8)Iran. I have been interviewed by foreign news media. I have been on local TV, radio, and in newspapers for the past 20 years. But few people that I work with know it. I never talk about it at work. Many people would say that this should make me go up the corporate latter fast. No it will not. I was not hired to work on blogs. I seen it in so many businesses where good people who knew a lot of stuff was escorted to the door because they showed people how smart they are.

4. I am so sexy -- Don’t talk about how many women or men that you have. Don’t talk about how you and your friends get drunk. Keep family matters out of the office and away from the job. Don’t start a bunch of confusion in the office or on the job.

5. Company Activities -- Your company might have picnics or Christmas Parties. If you can skip them. This is when you are in the best position to mess yourself up. The company has an opportunity to find out about your private life and the only plus you have in this operation is that you get free food and toys.

6. The Internet -- You have a Face Book Account or some other social internet site, great! Don’t talk about your employer, fellow employees, or admit to any crimes. Your employer and future employers search the internet looking for things that will tell them about their employees or future employees. Your social site can get you fired or stop you from getting a job. You can put nude pictures and a story about your great weekend with some rock star on the internet in 2010. When you go for a new job in the year 2028, HR in their applicant investigation pull your personal story up off the internet, they ask you about it. What can you say to take the negative image out of their minds about you then?

To keep your job and to move up, you want to watch, listen and learn, but don't participate. Knowledge is power. Listen and take it all in, but take it with a grain of salt as well.

Judge people on one thing only - how they treat you. Do not adopt other people's enemies. You choose your own friends.

Do your job and don't let it do you. You were hired for your skills, knowledge, and abilities. Use them to the best of your ability. Go home to your own life at the end of the day.

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