Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Your Safety Safe-Deposit Box

Kimberley A. Hammer, Esq.
Vice President for
Institutional Advancement

I am a 1980 Graduate of Robert Morris University. I receive a lot of information from the college. Sometimes this information comes in handy. Recently, Kimberley A. Hammer sent out some information on what should be in your safety deposit box. She says;

“Your most valuable documents don't belong stashed haphazardly in a messy desk drawer. A safe-deposit box is a secure place to store items that would cause panic if lost.”

“Many banks and credit unions rent safe-deposit boxes. The annual cost can range from less than $50 to more than $400, depending on where you live and what size box you need. In addition to the important documents listed below, consider using a safe-deposit box to store personal items that have great sentimental value or would be difficult and costly to replace.”

This is what she recommends in a safety deposit box;
  • Policies Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates
  • Adoption Papers and Divorce Decrees
  • Deeds, Titles, Mortgage Papers and Lease Contracts
  • Military Records and Citizenship Papers
  • Stock and Bond Certificates
  • A videotape or DVD inventory of your home and all its contents
  •  Insurance

Kimberley does not stop here. She recommends that you do not place things in your safety-deposit box that family members and medical personnel must get to fast and easily. She lists such things as;

  • Originals of Wills, Trusts and Power of Attorney Documents
  • Medical Care directives
  • Funeral or Burial instructions
Ms. Hammer gives this advice; “So what should you do with important items that shouldn't be kept in a safe-deposit box? Store them in a safe place at home, such as a fireproof/waterproof safe, where they are more easily accessible in a hurry. You might want to consider giving the originals of these documents to your estate planning attorney and making a copy to keep at home or to give to a close relative or friend. Even more important, make certain the person you've appointed in your power of attorney and medical care directives has an original copy of these documents.”

“As a precautionary measure, keep a separate list of the items in your safe-deposit box and make a habit of checking the box at least once a year—if only to keep from forgetting where you hid the key.”

“Once your records are safe, be sure you keep them up to date.”

I am telling you this information because I have seen many families over my 61 years of life get screwed because no one could find the current Will or Trust papers. No one could find the insurance information or know what insurance company handles the policy. Some people have to make burial decisions on the spot just to find out that no money can be found because no insurance policy can be found. Some people wanted doctors to handle their care one way but some relative decides to do just the opposite. 

If you don’t care about you or your property. If you want to place your friends and love ones in the dark when something happens to you then don’t take this advice.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Understand Your Rights Under Bankruptcy Law

We are coming out of the first Great Depression since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It will probably take another 8 years to fully recover. I knew in 1980 that we were headed for a Great Depression when I saw my first homeless person sleeping under a bush in downtown Pittsburgh. I tried to warn people that it was coming and tried to train my children so that they would ride the depression out better than most people. I was unemployed for 2 years in this depression. But I met people who were unemployed for up to 4 continuous years. Some people worked minimum wage jobs to get by. Others moved in with relatives.

 The Federal Government tried to distract the public from this economic collapse by causing 9/11, getting into 2 wars, and keeping the public on edge with its color coded warnings. But by 2008, the world economy including the United States collapsed and no one could hide that fact any longer. Many people’s way of life have been economically destroyed with no home or income but still having high debt that they cannot handle.

 I read newspapers from several ethnic groups to give myself a real balance story about what is going on in the world. Here is why I was laughing when the mainstream media claimed that Obama and Romney were in a “Dead Heat” running for President. I could not wait until election night to see how the media and the Republican Party were going to come up with a story explaining how Obama won in a “Land Slide.” They relied on statistician to tell them the outcome while the real story was in who wanted to come to the poles. When Republican Organizations have to trick people into coming to vote like they did in York Pennsylvania, then you know that “the Jig is up!” Keeping an eye on the hundreds of ethnic groups in America gives me an idea of how the economy will move in the near future.

The Black Press, in particular the Tri-State Defender Newspaper published an article about filing for bankruptcy for small businesses and individuals. I think that these two articles written by Carlee McCullough is a must read for everyone because you never know when you may need this information.  

Written by Carlee McCullough
 Now read the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

Written by Carlee McCullough
 If you are interested in articles from other Black newspapers, look up the New Pittsburgh Courier, Chicago Defender, The Michigan Chronicle, The Michigan Front Page, The Tri-State Defender, and The Atlanta Daily World. Just Google the online newspapers on the Internet.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Part 3: How to Finance Your Car

Mercedes-Benz CL-Class 
I see so many people taken advantage of when buying a car that it is not even funny. These people are usually the young, the poor, or the uneducated. Some people think that if they have no credit cards or debt that they have good credit. In fact, the lenders see that as having no credit which is the same as bad credit. In this case, you should start out with getting and using a credit card. Make your purchases with your credit card and paying off the credit card bill every month. A year of this and you will have very good credit.

If you want to know what is a good credit score?
They actually come right out and give numbers.     

Buying a New or Used Car with Bad Credit From Ask Audrey

How to prepare for buying a car

The first thing people should do is make sure that their credit report is in the best shape that it can be in. Send for all three credit reports and go over each item. If you find something wrong such as a troubling account that does not belong to you, challenge it and have it removed from your credit report.
Make sure that your credit report is in the best shape that you can get. Your target is to bring about a high credit score.    

The second step is to look for a car that you can afford.   

You must determine the costs and price you can pay for a car
Find a model that best fits your needs
Pick the right model

Different models can provide dramatically different driving experiences. Review the model.

Reliability Ratings show you how well vehicles have held up compared with competitive models, and what the odds are that you could be inconvenienced by problems.
The fuel-economy is very important to your budget. Fuel prices can only go up.
Look at safety
Make sure that you have some idea of what the price of the car is before you meet the dealer. Their objective is to make money. Your objective is to get the best car for your money. Now all that left is the dealer and you haggling over the price.