Saturday, July 3, 2010

Do you want to make Money Part 4

In our last part of this series, we will talk about why you want to invest for the future. Don’t get investments mixed up with gambling. You gamble for fun. Some people have a sickness and destroy themselves and their families using gambling as the means to do it. Investment is to help you and/or your family achieve the objectives that you would like to do in the future.

At age 8 through 18, I decided to make a living by becoming a technical expert in the computer field. I also studied finance and business so that I could manage the money that I wanted to make. I made out a time line for such things as being baptized, getting my driver’s license, buying a house, getting married and having children, creating an organization for educating my descendants in the professions and trades, funding my children’s education, retirement, and plans for my death. I recently showed my plans to my 27 year old daughter and mother of 2. She has her own plans with her husband and children. I asked her if my time line from my youth to now was on track. She agreed that I did much of what I wanted to accomplish.

This was done because I was able to generate money by means of investments. I used 10% to 20% of the money that I made to finance these projects over a 50 year period. Anyone can do what I did. I can give you reasons why most don’t do what I have done.

Pier Pressure -- People don’t like to see other people accomplish things. That is why the average person calls people who want to achieve something names like “nerd” or “egg head.” Most people don’t want to be called names so they do nothing to fit in with everyone else.

Loving Money – Some people will call you names such as”Money Lover” because you use money as a tool. They think it is OK to get paid on Friday and it’s gone on Saturday. I am sure you heard people say that it is “Money Transfer Day” not “Pay Day.” That is because they live paycheck to paycheck and when the money stops, they lose everything that they have.

Religion – I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me that it is easier to take a camel through the “Eye of a Needle” than to enter the Kingdom of God. This shows ignorance because what the Bible is referring to is the small opening in the city walls of a city like Jerusalem. If you approach the City from behind, you don’t want to go all the way around the city to enter. So you go through the small opening on one of the three sides of the city wall. These openings are called the “Eye of the Needle.” Here you have to unload your camel go through then reload your camel. It is not impossible to go through; it is just harder to do. How do you think Jesus got his money to run his ministry? God did not rain money down on him.

Only care about next weekend – Most people will plan for an event that happens within the next two weeks. How many people do you know wait until their children become 16 year olds then decide to look into financing college that starts in less than 2 years? How many people wait until their car stops running before they try to figure out how to get another car? How many people spend and have a good time just to wake up one day to find the “Repo” man jacking up the refrigerator, the car, and the furniture because of none payment? Most of this happens because years or decades before, no one did any financial planning.

These are the reasons why you have to plan for future event and use your money as a tool to achieve them. That is what investments are for! THE END….

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