Commonwealth of Virginia Slave Law allowed for any Native American that could be captured could be sold into slavery. This law allowed the creation of corporations that did just that; capture Native Americans for sale of people into slavery. Some of these corporations have evolved into other businesses and they exist today. One slave company that is now a bank is called Citibank.
I have a daughter named Amanda Ann Williams III (See her picture above). She is a model. She shows off clothing for some of these corporations. The second Amanda Ann is my x-wife. But the first Amanda Ann lived in an Indian village in Spotsylvania, Va. One day the village was attacked, the men were killed and the women and children were sold into slavery. Amanda Ann was sold to a slave breeder name Noah Smith. Amanda Ann and Noah Smith had Tom Porter (1839-1932). Tom Porter and Mandy Fry had Tom Porter II (1883-1928). Tom and Mary Yeager (1888-1960), the Aunt of General Chuck Yeager had Tom Montgomery Porter III. Tom Montgomery Porter III (1914-1998) and Clara Lee Ellis (Born 1924) had my x-wife Amanda Ann Williams. We had my youngest daughter, Amanda Ann Williams III (Born 1988), the third Amanda Ann.
When you hear people speak of the bible, you can assure that they will put things in the bible that is not there. I am speaking of things like “Cleanness is next to Godliness!” They do the same thing when speaking about the Constitution of the United States. Many people say that the Constitution talks about the separation of Church and State. Many use this misinformation to stop prayer in City Council and School Board Meetings. But the US Congress starts the day with prayer. Below is a debate concerning this topic.
I make money from Legal People in the financial markets. However, I have a big problem with Legal People under the Constitution of the United States. Here is something from Wikipedia that explains this debate.
The reason why our State and Federal Government does not work for the average American is that Legal People or Corporations have the same rights. They have the money to tell average people how to vote through TV, radio, flyers, and newspaper ads. They cannot vote but they can influence people to vote for candidates that service them. They can combine as a group and tell your congressman, senators, or president how they should run the country. We call these groups Associations, PACs, or Lobbies. They can persuade law makers to pass a law that the court system will have to enforce.
It was the industrial might of the United States that stopped the enemies of democracy in its tracks in World War I and II. It was the building of America’s infrastructure that put Americans to work. But it was Congress (Democrat and Republican) over the past 40 years that passed laws that dismantled America’s infrastructure. It took 300 years to put that infrastructure in place using slave, skilled, and unskilled labor.
My supervisor is upset again. He is not voting for any incumbent. Anyone that is in office will not get his vote. No matter whom gets into office, their boss will be the Corporations and they will do what the corporations say to do.
But Legal people are not legal at all according to Andrew Hacker, Author of “Politics and the Corporation.” http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/2718145
Mr. Hacker saw all this that we are living today in 1958. He claims that Federal Legal People are outlawed under the US Constitution and the founding father’s assumed that the states would do the same. I knew of this information in the 1970s. I talked about it for the past 40 years. Would you believe that I got no attention? I was told by the local newspapers that I was on a personal crusade as late as 1999. Could it be because the people who would be able to spread the word are Corporations? We will see what he says in Part 2 of this series.
How is Darnell’s Investments doing?
These figures were taken on the close of Nov. 24, 2010. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up Year to Date 7.28%. Since the Fed is pumping a great deal of money into the economy, increasing the chance for high inflation, the stock market should pick up.
Darnell’s Portfolio is up 24.75% for the Year to Date and 77.39% since January 30, 2009. However, due to the Fed’s money policy, Darnell’s Year to Date totals has come down from 25.89% Year to Date and 78.72% from its all time high from January 30, 2009. This is a signal that next year, his bond Portfolio may only increase between 12% and 24%.
Who is reading the Blog?
Here are the countries that have people who read my blog from Oct. 26 thru Nov. 24 in this order from highest to lowest;
1) United States
2) South Korea
3) Russia
4) United Kingdom
5) China
6) Taiwan
7) Canada
8) Germany
9) Netherlands
10) Poland
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