Saturday, February 25, 2012

For People Who Want Out of a Low Income Situation

My father and mother came out of the Great Depression of the 1930s. When I was born in the 1950s, the social family climate was different than it is now. The mother stayed home with the children and did the house work. The father went to work and made a living for the rest of us. The complaint about jobs was different than it is now. Today, people complain about having no jobs. In the 1950s and 1960s people complained about not having high paying jobs. In my situation from age 8 to 21 years old, because of a stable family life, it was easy for me to plan my life out from child hood to old age. Today, it is not as easy but it still can be done. All it takes is time, drive on your part, and determination.

Aside from government assistance, you can work your way towards financial freedom by taking little steps. These steps are taken over your life time. As long as you are disciplined and determined, you can well be on your way to the end of financial difficulty. You may have to start with government aid for you and your family. Your approval for your chosen government aid should be the time when you take steps so that you handle financial difficulties better.

Below are 5 steps you can take to have a healthier financial disposition:

1. Educate Yourself. Gather as much information as you can about financial management. You can make your money grow, as long as you know how you can achieve it. Immerse yourself in books, the internet, and talk to people who know about managing finances. This is how I started in life. I learned from people who understood how to develop good financial behavior and attitudes for my interest, not the interest of others such as banks, brokerage firms, or insurance companies.

2. Be Organized. This will take discipline, but you have to be more meticulous about your money. Start by monitoring your current expenses. From there, you can see which among your expenses are taking up your income. Allot a certain amount for each and every need, and make financial goals with whatever amount you can save. Try not to use debt like credit cards. Pay off your credit cards at the end of every month. Organization like this will allow you to start saving enough to get you out of your situation.

3. Be Focused. Managing finances can be difficult. Don’t worry about the people who call you names because you refuse to spend money on nonsense such as movies, parties, and social fads. You can encounter distractions, such as sales and other bargains, but you have to be focused on your goal. Just keep in mind that once you become more financially stable, you can then reward yourself with things you want to buy and vacations you want to take.

4. Be Prepared. It is recommended that you save at least three months worth of your expenses. Work and do your best to pool this amount, so that if anything happens, you will not be crippled financially. This may take some time to do. When the First Great Depression of the 21st Century hit, I did not work for 2 years. When I did work over the next year, my wages were at times just above minimum wage. But because I prepared myself over the past 30 years, I could still send my children to college, buy them their first cars, give my son-in-law a car, and give my oldest daughter and husband their down payment on their first house. Even today, my wages are not as high as it was in the early 1990s. However, I owe no one and I am preparing to retire.

Darnell L Williams (holding money) started his lawn business at 10 years old. He taught himself to read the financial pages of the newspaper including the stock market by age 16. He employed two workers by age 18. He bought his first car by age 20. Darnell owned his first A1 current model car at age 21. He bought his first single family home in an exclusive suburb of Pittsburgh at age 24.

Darnell had his first child at age 33 and started her college education account. He bought his second house in a suburb of Harrisburg, Pa. at age 34. Darnell had his second child and started her college account at age 37. At age 50 the first child graduated from high school and started college. Darnell bought her an A1 current year car. At age 55, the second child graduated from high school and started college with her new car. Both cars were paid for in cash.

At the same time as the high school graduations, Darnell's working career went south along with the economy. I did not work for 2 years. The next year I worked for minimum wage. My pay did not pick up again until I was 56 years old. At age 57, my oldest daughter and family bought their first house and the remainder of the money that I saved for her when she was born made the down payment for that house. Then I started working on my retirement fund. From age 56 to age 61, my retirement account tripled. I will continue to finance my retirement until I am 63 or 64 years old. Now I am doing research to make sure that I have enough funds to last until I am 90 years old if need be.

5. Study Every Situation. As you learn how to manage your money, you will develop a more sensitive approach to handling money. You can then better decide on whether or not it is wise to spend on something. Just make sure that all your financial decisions are well thought of, and you can be on your way to being more independent with handling your money.

Darnell at age 2. In 6 years he will understand and start accumulating wealth for the first time. Here lies why his mother claimed that he was not from this world.

What you should remember at all times;

1. You start your lifetime plan or your children's plan as soon as you can after you are or they are born.

2. You work your lifetime plan or adjust your lifetime plan as needed in your lifetime.

3. Always stay focused on your lifetime plan.

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