Just remember, when you are 55, it maybe to late to adjust your budget and prepare for the say when you will no longer have a pay check. Social Security and your pension will not carry you in today's economic times. Watch and listen to these messages for you own good!
Mass Layoffs are over so how do you maintain your job.
For people after 40, jobs are harder and harder to find. So how do you keep the job that you have?
Many people thank that once you are hired, you don’t have to worry about maintaining your job. This is not the 1960s. Today, you better know how to maintain your job.
Do you have money goals? I heard people talk about money exchange day when I was in my 30s. I told them that they better learn how to plan, budget and create money goals. They called me a “money worshiper.” Many of these same people are in debt and have no idea what to do with retirement only 10 years away.
Do you know how you want to live once you retire? That means you better plan your retirement life style.
Do you have an IRA? Do you know anything about gold investing?
Do you know what it would take for you to retire with $1 Million?
I have worked with many people who rejoiced when they retired then got many retirement surprises. Will you be one of the people getting a retirement surprises?
You have an opportunity to learn some retirement tricks?
I am not a supporter of using annuities. But we do have some people in our society that need the discipline of using annuities.
These nine videos as well as my other blogs should be enough to get you thinking about what you need to do to maintain a secure future. Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life so start doing something about it.
How has Darnell done with his retirement plan?
My priority in the past 60 years has not focused totally on retirement. My over all objective was to place my descendants on a “upper class” footing. This is what I worked my life time to do. I worked on my retirement funding since age 35 but funding it was with very limited funds. My first priority was to get established from birth to age 30. That meant that I had to figure out how I was going to make a living and establish myself and my family. It did not help that the economy deteriorated from 1970 to today. It cost money to educate myself, buy houses, and cars. It cost money to put food on the table. In the past 60 years, I bought 3 houses, two of them paid for. One was paid in cash three months after purchased. I had to look for financial breaks every where I could. So I did not look like the last of the big spenders nor did I try to do so. I worked my plan, not the plan of the TV Shows, advertisers, or banks. Looking better than the “Jones” was not in my plan.
After age 30, my priority was to educate my children and save for their college education. Creating and maintaining my descendants foundation took second priority. I invested the money but it was up to them to take advantage of the education. Saving for retirement was secondary.
I have been saving in my IRA since age 35 but it was not until I turned 50 did saving for retirement became a priority. This is why I do not have over $1 million saved up. But I have and do use the principles that you seen in the above videos.
My IRA in the past 26 months has grown 96.51%. This was done using Junk Bonds. Keep in mind that from age 50 to 60, I did not work for 3 of these years and in 2 other of these years, made near minimum wage. By age 65 when I am ready to stop working for good, I should be in good shape.
Is Darnell bragging?
No, my objective in writing this blog is to teach the public Financial Literacy. Most people have no idea how to plan for future needs such as Unemployment, Retirement, and Education, a home, or new car. This became obvious in the past 10 years when the homeless population and unemployment rate shot up. My blog is to help people figure out their own personal needs. Let’s face it, if you take advantage of what I am telling you or not, I will still go on doing what I am doing!
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